Phishing Kits: Threat Actors Analysis Research

Introduction Phishing kits are tools that dark side experts provide to the community of criminal phishers to facilitate the construction of malicious Web sites. As these kitsevolve in sophistication, providers of Web-based services need to keep pace withcontinuous complexity. Today I am proud to introduce a long time research that Andrea Venturi, Michele Colajanni, Giorgio […]

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From a Phishing Page to a Possible Threat Actor

Disclaimer This blog post, as all the blog posts in my web-corner, want to share cybersecurity related researches and personal experiences in order to improve threats analysis, risks and cybersecurity awareness. In this specific cases junior cybersecurity analysts could improve their skills for free by understanding how to build threat intelligence and how to track […]

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Paradise Ransomware: The Builder

The ransomware builders remind me old times, where Nukes and Exploiters were freely available on the underground communities, when few clicks were enough to bypass many AV vendors and attackers were activists or single people challenging the system. Nowadays the way the “builders” are developed and the way the criminality is abusing them to generate […]

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