Thanks for being interested in getting in touch with me ! Nowadays I get a humongous amount of communications so, forgive me if I am not so responsive sometimes. In this page I’d like to list all the channel I have and the way I ‘d like to use them.

The first way to comunicate with me is through eMail:  I receive hundreds eMails per day, so it might take few days for me to answer you back.

Twitter: @Marco_Ramilli I try to use twitter as my communication channel where I share my “happenings” and my personal thoughts. I used to answer to legitim comments and to direct messages in few hours but only if answers takes less then 2 minutes or so, otherwise I ask to send me an email.

Linkedin: Marco Ramilli  My background is pretty well covered for the last few years. I accept connections from people that I met or that I indirectly know, sometimes I do some exceptions.

I’m happy to make comments to media on any breaking security stories, I usually like to talk. Queries about speaking at events will get a response, even if I can’t accept the invite. With time I try to respond to technical questions as well, but please ask to Stack Overflow first. I’m not going to respond. If you’ve read to here and you want just drop me an email you might fill up the following form and shoot me a comment/query/generic content. This form gets a privilegiate way to my inbox since it tags email according to my filters.
