Hi folks,

it’s a lot of time that I don’t speak about iPhone cracking status. Actually I gotta a 1.1.1 firmware and I’m very happy to no change it because it’s still working good. Anyway, what’s happening in iPhone hacking community ? Are they researching a solution yet ? Yes and no… something is happened.

First of all two theoretical exploits have been found on the new bootloader 4.6 !!
And you know what it means! 1.1.2 OTB Software unlock coming very soon! Another important new come from iPhone Dev Team who opened its software. However there is no solution yet to break the SIM control putting any sim card. Actually the community has just discovered the NCK (Unlock Code) but it’s pretty hard to break with normal BruteForces techniques.

The NCK code is transfered during activation of your iPhone.
A plist file is created on the iPhone, and then sent to Apple webserver.
If the iPhone is unlocked in Apple’s database, it will reply with the unlock code.
They have managed to send an activation request to apple webserver and catch the NCK. 

It looks like this: “UnlockCode” = “NO=111111111111111&”;

The ‘1’ are to be replaced with digits, so I guess that the unlock code is 15 digits long.
Way too long for a bruteforce attack…They doubt the unlock code has any correlation with any device ids, it is more likely that Apple has it stored in a database for every single iPhone.
If you cannot wait for the software solution, that seams coming very soon, there is an easy-to-use and intuitive hardware solution by TurboSym for $59 that forks fine !
The reverse continues.

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